[編者按]2012年1月4﹑6日﹐法國蘇爾夢教授(Prof. Claudine Salmon )先後給網主電郵﹐對拙文〈《明末疆里及漳泉航海通交圖》(the Selden Map of China)編繪時間﹑特色及海外交通地名略析〉中的巴里野蠻﹑茅陳今地考證提出異議。1月22日農曆兔年除夕﹐收到其修訂文本﹐因先徵得其同意﹐遂於今天龍年元旦﹐正式載於本網拙文的後記二。茲另錄於此﹐以期引起關注。[2012年1月23日]


☉茅陣即貓離﹕閩南語茅陣音近巴東(Padang), 在蘇門答剌島西岸﹐又作把東﹑叭當。貓離即
  巴里﹑把里﹐為蘇島的巴里山脈(Barisan Mountains)。中國古籍常將把東﹑把里等同。法
  國Claudine Salmon (蘇爾夢)教授認為應作“茅陳”﹐不是Padang 的音譯﹐而是Batahan
  (亦作Bathan, Bataham) 的對音。[參見本文後記二]。
☉巴里野蠻﹕指上述巴里山脈的土著。法國Claudine Salmon (蘇爾夢)教授認為是著名古國


      2012年1月4日﹐承法國Claudine Salmon (蘇爾夢)教授電郵函告﹐對“巴里野蠻”一名﹐提出卓見﹕ 「有關域外地名﹐我对“巴里野蠻”是本地原住民族的音譯抱持懷疑的態度 ; 據我看很可能是Pariaman的音譯。十六、十七世紀 Pariaman (或Priaman, Pyramâ) 是一個相當重要的國際海港[參見, The Suma Oriental of Tomé Pires. An Account of the East, from the Red Sea to Japan, written in Malacca and India in 1512-1515, Translated from the Portuguese MS, in the Bibliothèque de la Chambre des Députés, Paris, and edited by Armando Cortesaão, London, 1944, vol. I, p. 160: “(the kingdom of) Priaman is bounded on one side by Andalas and on the other by Tico, and in the hinterland by Menangkabau. This is a heathen kingdom and the king is a heathen. Three kingdoms join together here on this coast, to wit, Priaman, Tico and Pansur or Panchur or Baros. All these are rich, and the Gujaratees come here every year with one ship, or two to three, with merchandise. They dispose of it and take away their return [loads] as will be told when finish speaking of these three kingdoms. The kingdom of Priaman has many horses, which they go and sell continuously to the kingdom of Sunda. This land of Priaman has plenty of gold, apothecary’s lignaloes, camphor or two kinds, benzoin, silk, wax, honey; it has foodstuffs in plenty for its own land; it does a great trade with the land of Sunda.”]」
「我想 茅陳可能不是Padang的音譯, 而是Bataham (亦作Bathan) 的對音。原因是在地圖上“茅陳”位於“巴里野蠻”之北 ; 但事實上Padang在Priaman之南,而Bataham就在Priaman的北方。此外,當時Bataham是出產安息香(benzoin)之地,很可能華人前来購買此香料 (參見Denys Lombard, Le sultanat d’Atjeh au temps d’Iskandar Muda 1607-1636, Paris, Ecole française d’Extrême-Orient, 1967, p. 64.)」






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